Public Outreach

Open days of the Hvar Observatory and Science Festival 2024

Last Updated on Saturday, 20 April 2024 12:53 Written by Jaša Čalogović Monday, 04 March 2024 11:05

Science Festival 2024 - IntelligenceWe are organizing open days on Hvar from 21 to 27 April 2024 on the occasion of the Science Festival 2024 with the theme "Intelligence". In the period from 22 to 26 April 2024, smaller groups of kids will have the opportunity to visit the Observatory on Hvar, see the telescopes, observe the Sun and take part in demonstrations prepared by the staff of the Hvar Observatory. On Sunday, 21 and Saturday 27 April the Observatory will also be open to the general public from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Additionally, the staff will also organize public night sky observations in Hvar, Stari Grad and Jelsa. (further text is in Croatian)

Read more: Open days of the Hvar Observatory and Science Festival 2024


Open days of the Hvar Observatory and Science Festival 2023

Written by Jaša Čalogović Wednesday, 19 April 2023 19:05

thumb FZ 2023We are organizing open days on Hvar from 22 to 29 April 2023 on the occasion of the Science Festival 2023 with the theme "Nature and Society". In the period from 24 to 28 April 2023, smaller groups of kids will have the opportunity to visit the Observatory on Hvar, see the telescopes, observe the Sun and take part in demonstrations prepared by the staff of the Hvar Observatory. On Saturdays, 22 and 29 April the Observatory will also be open to the general public from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Additionally, the staff will also organize public night sky observations in Hvar, Stari Grad and Jelsa. (further text is in Croatian)

Read more: Open days of the Hvar Observatory and Science Festival 2023


Science Festival 2022 and open days of the Hvar Observatory

Written by Jaša Čalogović Monday, 11 April 2022 12:53

thumb FZ 2022 zivotThe Hvar Observatory is the only observatory in Croatia that deals entirely with professional astrophysics and is not open to the general public due to its predominantly research purpose. The Hvar Observatory is organizing open days on Hvar from 4 to 7 May 2022 on the occasion of the Science Festival 2022 with the theme "Life" and the celebration of the 50th anniversary of its founding. In the period from 4 to 6 May 2022, smaller groups of preschool and school children will have the opportunity to visit the Observatory on Hvar, see the telescopes, observe the sun and take part in demonstrations prepared by the staff of the Hvar Observatory. On Saturday, May 7, 2022 the Observatory will also be open to the general public from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In addition to the open day of the Hvar Observatory, the staff of the Hvar Observatory will also participate with various demonstrations at the Science Festival in Zagreb on 2 and 3 May 2022.

Read more: Science Festival 2022 and open days of the Hvar Observatory


Festival of Science 2021 - "Culture of Science"

Written by Jaša Čalogović

thumb FZ 2021 This year's Festival of Science will be held from 10 to 15 May 2021 in 18 Croatian cities with the topic "Culture of Science" - What is culture and do we build a culture of science?". The novelty of this year's Festival of Science is a rich online program and for the more details about the Festival you can visit webpage here (in croatian). The Hvar Observatory also participated in the Festival of Science program with a video workshop "Space weather - how to predict the arrival of solar storms on Earth?" created by Karmen Martinić and Mateja Dumbović, which you can access here (only in croatian).

Comet NEOWISE pictured above Zagreb

Written by Jaša Čalogović

thumb Neowise comet 07 2020NEOWISE comet (C/2020 F3) is currently one of the most spectacular objects on the night sky. It was discovered on 27th March 2020 by NEOWISE space telescope and it reached its perihelion (closest point to the Sun, 0.29 AU) on 3rd July. Its closest approach to the Earth will be on 23rd July at a distance of 0.69 AU. Ivica Skokic from Hvar Observatory made a beautiful photo of a comet NEOWISE from small town Samobor near Zagreb on 10th July which we publish here.

European Researchers' Night

Written by Mateja Dumbovic

space cadetsThe European Researchers' Night was held in Zagreb on Friday 27.09.2019., organized by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) where the Hvar Observatory of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb also participated.

European Researchers' Night is an initiative implemented throughout Europe with the financial support of the European Commission (under the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation - Horizon 2020). The aim of the initiative is to popularize science, to bring science and the work of scientists closer to the public, to encourage young people to enter into research careers and to inform the general public about European and national policies in the field of science. In Croatia, the European Researchers' Night has been held at several locations in four Croatian cities: Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek. Part of the European Researchers' Night 2019 program, organized by the Croatian Science Foundation, took place in the Zagreb Grič Tunnel, where the pupils of Zagreb elementary schools presented the results of workshops that they made together with Croatian scientists during June and September.

Dr. Sc. Mateja Dumbović from the Hvar Observatory took a part in the workshops with the students of Prečko Elementary School and prepared a play with the topic "Space forecasters", that was performed several times in the Grič tunnel and on the European Square stage. As part of a stand in the Grič Tunnel, visitors were also able to learn directly from group of young space forecasters or "Prečko space cadets" about Sun storms, were able to assemble a Sun puzzle or a satellite and win for a reward posters of the Sun and space.

Total Moon eclipse at Hvar Observatory

Written by Jaša Čalogović

moon eclipse 27072018On 27th July 2018 the total Moon eclipse was also visible from Hvar Observatory. This time the eclipse was one of the longest (almost 2 hours) and very dark since the Moon was passing directly through the middle of the Earth’s shadow. It started at 20:30 h with a maximum at 22:22 h and ended at 23:13 h. About 30 local people and children from Hvar gathered at Hvar Observatory and enjoyed the show on the sky. Mars was also visible near the Moon and it was very bright due to the closest position to the Earth (opposition) in last 15 years. Beside the Moon and Mars on the evening sky were also visible Jupiter and Saturn. All visitors had a chance to look all these objects trough the portable 10-inch telescope.

Lecture about meteorology in Hvar elementary school

Written by Jaša Čalogović

thumb meorologija Hvar 2018On 24th April, dr. sc. Jaša Čalogović gave a lecture about the meteorology (“Meteorologija – kako prognozirati kakvo će vrijeme biti u Hvaru?”) in the Hvar elementary school. After the lecture the pupils were divided in several groups and a small quiz related to meteorology was organized. Beside the questions, pupils became the synoptic map of the Europe with aim to make alone the weather forecast for Hvar. The symbolic prizes (sweets and chocolate) were given to the best teams that obtained the highest number of points in quiz.


Hvar Observatory organized for the third time the Festival of Science in Hvar

Written by Jaša Čalogović

Science festival in Hvar, 2017From 25th to 27th April in the town Loggia, together with the Hvar Primary School, Split Institute of Oceanography and Fishery and Hvar High School the Festival of Science was organized for the third time in Hvar. The theme of 15th Science Festival was "time" in a chronological or meteorological sense.

Read more: Hvar Observatory organized for the third time the Festival of Science in Hvar


Bojan Vršnak as guest in Croatian TV show "Third Element"

Written by Jaša Čalogović Tuesday, 22 November 2016 00:00

Treci element-1116-VrsnakOn November 17, 2016 Dr. Bojan Vršnak participated in the Croatian scientific TV show (HRT-3: "Third Element") entitled "Solar System". In the show, he explained the formation and evolution of the Sun, effects of the solar wind and the solar eruptive processes on the Earth and other objects in the solar system. Various solar-activity effects on the robotic and crewed space missions, including the future missions to Mars, were discussed. 

Video of TV show "Third element" on 17.11.2016 is available here (only in Croatian)


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