XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium

poster XVII HAC

Due to still the on-going COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying social and economic disruptions, LOC and SOC decided to organize XVIIth HAC meeting ONLINE via Zoom platform. The program is planned for 3 hours every day from Monday to Friday (20. - 24 September 2021) 15:00 - 18:00h Croatia time (CEsT).

The Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium (HAC) is organized every two years in the town of Hvar, Croatia with aim to bring together researchers from Europe and beyond, devoted to instrumentation, fundamental as well as applied research in the field of solar and heliospheric physics, space weather and space climate.

Abstract submission deadline: 1 September 2021.

Abstract book (pdf)
Social events
Additional information (presentations, time)


ONLINE meeting via Zoom platform


Proceedings of the XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium - "The Sun and Heliosphere" will be published as a special issue of the Central European Astrophysical Bulletin (CEAB). The deadline for submitting your contribution is March 1, 2022. There is no page limit, recommended is up to 10 pages for posters, 15 pages for contributed talks and 20 pages for invited talks. Manuscripts should be prepared in LaTeX, using the CEAB style file. All prepared manuscripts should be sent with mail to Domagoj Ruzdjak ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).


Registration to XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium is mandatory but free of charge.
If you already sent abstract, additional registration is not needed. For all other participants that want to attend the meeting and haven't submitted the abstract registration form is here.


1. Solar Interior, dynamo, large scale flows and the Solar Cycle
- includes instrumentation and research regarding solar interior, helioseismology, emerging flux, sunspots, active regions, large scale flows, solar dynamo, long-term solar activity, solar cycle predictions and related topics

2. Dynamics and fundamental processes in the solar atmosphere
- includes instrumentation and research regarding global coronal magnetic field, coronal heating, coronal rain, coronal loops, coronal bright points, coronal holes, Ellerman bombs, jets, magnetic reconnection, waves and instabilities in the solar photosphere, atmospheric seismology and related topics

3. Eruptive Processes in the Solar Atmosphere
- includes instrumentation and research regarding solar flares, coronal mass ejections, particle acceleration, flux rope formation, eruption initiation, eruptive filaments, coronal dimmings, Moreton waves, EUV waves, coronal shocks, solar radio bursts, and related topics

4. Dynamics of the Heliosphere, Solar-Terrestrial Relations, Solar Wind, Space Weather and Space Climate
- includes instrumentation and research regarding origin and structure of solar wind, solar wind transients, propagation, evolution, morphology and structure of CMEs and SIRs, effects of solar wind transients on galactic cosmic rays and planetary magnetic fields, solar energetic particles, solar-terrestrial relations, long term datasets, influence of solar activity on planetary atmospheres and related topics


Ed Cliver (invited keynote talk on extreme solar and solar-terrestrial events, NSO, USA), Catherine Fischer (KIS, Germany), Norbert Magyar (KU Leuven, Belgium), Stefan Hofmeister (Uni. Columbia, USA), Karin Dissauer (NWRA, USA), Jaroslav Dudik (Obs. Ondrejov, Czech Rep.), Nada Al-Haddad (Uni. New Hamp., USA), Emilia Kilpua (Uni. Helsinki, Finland)

Mateja Dumbović (Hvar Obs., Croatia)
Dominik Utz (Uni Graz., Austria)

Istvan Ballai (Uni. Sheffield, UK)
Peter Gömöry (SAV, Slovakia)
Nat Gopalswamy (NASA/GSFC, USA)
Jingnan Guo (USTC, China)
Laure Lefevre (ROB, Belgium)
Dibyendu Nandi (IISER, India)
Astrid Veronig (Uni Graz., Austria)
Bojan Vršnak (Hvar Obs., Croatia)
Domagoj Ruždjak (Hvar Obs.)

Mateja Dumbović (Hvar Obs.)
Karmen Martinić (Hvar Obs.)
Stephan Heinemann (Max Planck)
Jaša Čalogović (Hvar Obs.)
Ivica Skokić (Hvar Obs.)
Davor Sudar (Hvar Obs.)


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