Instructions for presenters - ECRS 2024

Oral presentations

Poster presentations
  • Posters will be displayed and presented in the poster hall on designated spaces.
  • All formats up to A0 are allowed.
  • The posters will be displayed the whole week, however author attendance is only mandatory during poster & beer session, Tuesday 18:00 h.
  • All poster presenters are to take down their posters after the conference, all posters remaining after the conference will be treated as disposable waste.
  • Poster printing is not available onsite.
Short poster presentations
Short poster presentations are scheduled on Tuesday afternoon, before the start of the poster & beer session. Each poster presenter has 3-min to present their poster (screen size: widescreen, 16:9). All presenters are recommended to send their presentation at least 24 hours before the session in ppt or pdf form to LOC ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). Upload of the presentation will be also possible onsite at LOC desk. All presenters are recommended to join their session at least 5 minutes in advance to check that their presentation is present, of proper quality and runs smoothly.

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