Social events

thumb pharos pool

Monday, 24.09.2018, 19:30 h, Pharos, Hvar bayhill hotel
  • Two drinks per person (wine, beer, juices, water)
  • Cold cuts, foccacia

thumb poster session
Tuesday, 25.09.2018, 19:00 h, Amfora hotel (conference place)
  • Two drinks per person (beer, wine, juices, water)


Wednesday, 26.09.2016, 18:00h

thumb adriana val marina

thumb adriana val marina2

Thursday, 27.09.2018, 20:00h, Adriana hotel, Resturant Val Marina
    1. Meat menu
      • Beef carpaccio with truffle oil and rocket salad
      • Grilled beef tenderloin served with cassoulet of root vegetables and Bourgogne sauce
      • Orange blossom polenta cake with fresh cream
    2. Fish menu
      • Risotto with clams and asparagus
      • Seabass with Swiss chard, cream of celery root and beurre-blanc sauce
      • Orange blossom polenta cake with fresh cream
    3. Vegetarian menu
      • Chef’s Caprese salad with local goat cheese
      • Risotto with asparagus, rocket salad and truffles
      • Orange blossom polenta cake with fresh cream
    You’ll have to choose one of the following menus at the registration. Please be aware that due to the hotel requirements further menu changes won’t be possible later.

    Note: Costs for welcome reception, poster session and conference dinner are included in the registration fee.

    LUNCH (Monday to Friday)

    Since the majority of Hvar restaurants can be quite expensive and slow during the lunch break, we are organizing the lunch from Monday to Friday (24. - 28.9.) for all interested participants in two Hvar restaurants - Park restaurant and La Bocca. Both restaurants are situated directly at the Hvar main square – Pjaca. Lunch price of 50 HRK is not included in the registration fee and every participant should pay it directly in the restaurant. In both restaurants there will be the possibility to order a vegetarian dish a la card for the same price.

    thumb park restaurant Park restaurant, Bankete bb
    • Mon, 24.9. at 13:45 h - Beef goulash
    • Tue, 25.9. at 13:15 h - Beans with sausage
    • Wed, 26.9. at 12:15 h - Seafood risotto
    • Thu, 27.9. at 13:30 h - Baked pork neck with baked potatoes
    • Fri, 28.9. at 13:15 h - Spaghetti with shrimps
    Notes: Salad is included in the price. The restaurant will offer discounted prices for drinks (wine Posip/Plavac 25 HRK, beer 20 HRK, soft drinks 20 HRK).

    thumb la bocca La Bocca, Trg svetog Stjepana 32
    • Mon, 24.9. at 13:45 h - Tagliatelle with seafood and vegetables
    • Tue, 25.9. at 13:15 h - Beef in red wine sauce with polenta
    • Wed, 26.9. at 12:15 h - Lasagne bolognese
    • Thu, 27.9. at 13:30 h - Green beans with veal and potatoes
    • Fri, 28.9. at 13:15 h - Meat balls in tomato sauce with mashed potatoes
    Notes: Salad is included in the price. The restaurant will offer discounted prices for drinks (white wine 15HRK, red wine 20 HRK, beer 0.5L 16 HRK, soft drinks 13 HRK).


    HAC XVIth / ISEST 2018 meeting group photo will be taken on Wednesday, 26.9. during the morning coffee break (10:00 am).

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