ESPD summerschool - Energisation and heating in the solar plasma

1st European solar physics division (ESPD) summerschool:
Energisation and heating in the solar plasma

29 April - 3 May 2024
Dubrovnik, Croatia

In-person only

Group photo - ESPD school 2024

European solar physics division board is organizing a summerschool in 2024 as a pilot project to what could in future become a summerschool series. The theme of the school is Energisation and heating in the solar plasma, outlining the mechanisms which may operate to produce the solar wind, to heat the corona and to drive the transient events observed in the solar atmosphere, such as flares and coronal mass ejections.

Application & registration
Accommodation & Travel
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Local & practical information

Scientific organisers – ESPD board

The European Solar Physics Division (ESPD) of the European Physical Society (EPS) represents and provides a forum for European scientists, primarily, and any scientist, secondarily, interested in aspects of the physics of the Sun. The objective of the ESPD is the advancement of the study of the Sun, the dissemination of key results of solar physics research to the general public, and the promotion and coordination of such research with other areas and branches of the physical sciences. Every 3 years the board organizes European Solar Physics meeting (ESPM).

List of board members
Istvan Ballai (President)
Sven Wedemeyer (Vice-President)
Sophie Masson (Treasurer)
Galina Motorina (Secretary)
Patrick Antolin
Mateja Dumbovic
Stanislav Gunar
Ioannis Kontogiannis
David Long
Jasmina Magdalenic
Julia Thalmann
Francesca Zuccarello
Stefaan Poedts (co-opted: SWWT)
Eduard Kontar (co-opted: former president)
Mats Carlsson (co-opted: EAST)


ESPD 2024 summerschool final program (pdf)

THEME: Energisation and heating in the solar plasma
Short description: the theme outlines the mechanisms which may operate to produce the solar wind, to heat the corona and to drive the transient events observed in the solar atmosphere, such as flares and coronal mass ejections.

Lecture topics:
  1. Waves and instabilities in solar atmospheric plasma, Tom van Doorsseleare (KU Leuven, BEL)
  2. Evolution of magnetic fields and magnetic reconnection, Eric Priest (Uni. St. Andrews, UK)
  3. Physics of flares and CMEs, Lyndsay Fletcher (Uni. Glasgow, UK)
  4. Solar energetic particles, Rami Vainio (Uni. Turku, FIN)
  5. Heating and acceleration of the solar wind, Viviane Pierrard (BIRA, Belgium)
  6. Turbulence in the heliosphere, Vincenzo Carbone (Uni. Calabria, ITA)
Hands-on sessions:
  1. JHelioviewer, David Berghmans (ROB, Belgium)
  2. Sunpy, Laura Hayes (ESA)
  3. Machine learning, Carlos José Díaz Baso (Uni Oslo)
Non-scientific lecture:
How to keep your mental health in shape, David Horsfall (Uni. Newcastle)

Confirmed lecturers: Eric Priest (Uni. St. Andrews, UK), Tom van Doorsseleare (KU Leuven, BEL), Lyndsay Fletcher (Uni. Glasgow, UK), Rami Vainio (Uni. Turku, FIN), Vincenzo Carbone (Uni. Calabria, ITA), Viviane Pierrard (BIRA, Belgium)

Confirmed hands-on session presenters: Laura Hayes (ESA), Carlos José Díaz Baso (Uni Oslo), David Berghmans (ROB, Belgium)

Important dates - timetable

Release of tentative program and registration fees - late 2023
Application opens: January 1st 2024
Application closes: January 31st 2024
Application decision sent: end of February 2024

Application & registration

The application for 1st European solar physics division (ESPD) summerschool: Energisation and heating in the solar plasma is closed.

  • Students that were selected for attending the school will receive the registration link by email. For details This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
  • There is limited possibility to come with accompanying person, if there are such plans please include them in the application letter. We encourage students to share accommodation, if you have specific shared accommodation preferences please note them in the application letter.
  • Registration will open after the application process is finished. Note that there will be a small registration fee of 150 EUR per student (which does not include accommodation costs!).
  • The school will be held in-person only.
  • Due to capacity limits of the classrooms and the dormitory the number of students attending is limited to 40-45 students.


Local organizer (LOC):
Mateja Dumbović
Hvar Observatory, Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb
Kačićeva 26, 10000 Zagreb
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

LOC helpers: Jaša Čalogović, Filip Matković, Domagoj Ruždjak.

Sponsors and patrons

University of Zagreb ESPD ESA
SCOSTEP logo PRESTO logo concorda logo

If you would like to sponsor this event or otherwise support it please contact the LOC.
© 2025 Hvar Observatory.