Public Outreach

Bojan Vršnak as guest in Croatian TV show "Third Element"

Written by Jaša Čalogović Tuesday, 22 November 2016 00:00

Treci element-1116-VrsnakOn November 17, 2016 Dr. Bojan Vršnak participated in the Croatian scientific TV show (HRT-3: "Third Element") entitled "Solar System". In the show, he explained the formation and evolution of the Sun, effects of the solar wind and the solar eruptive processes on the Earth and other objects in the solar system. Various solar-activity effects on the robotic and crewed space missions, including the future missions to Mars, were discussed. 

Video of TV show "Third element" on 17.11.2016 is available here (only in Croatian)


Mercury transit observed at the Hvar Observatory, 09.05.2016

Written by Jaša Čalogović Tuesday, 10 May 2016 00:00

thumb OH HA mercury transit 20160509 113034The transits of Mercury across the solar disk are rare phenomena, although Mercury orbits the Sun in just 88 days. The reason for this is that Mercury orbits the Sun with the certain angle to the ecliptic, ie. the plane that the Earth orbits the Sun. Mercury transit in Croatia was visible on 9 May 2016, started at 13:12h local time and could be seen for almost 7 hours. Unfortunately, end of transit was not visible from our region because the sunset was at 20:10h and end of transit was at 20:42h. This rare phenomena was possible to observe from Hvar, and it was recoreded in white light and H-alpha using Hvar solar telescope. The next transit of Mercury will be visible from the Croatia in 2019.

Read more: Mercury transit observed at the Hvar Observatory, 09.05.2016


Festival of science 2016 in Hvar

Written by Jaša Čalogović Thursday, 05 May 2016 16:33

thumb FZ2016 18From 21 to 23 April 2016 Festival of Science was organized at city hall in the town of Hvar, and this year's festival theme was "Science and Art". The event was organized by the Observatory Hvar and the Elementary School of Hvar, Stari Grad, Jelsa and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb.

Science Festival is being held for the 14th consecutive year in Croatia and its goal is to bring the science to pupils of primary and secondary schools and the entire interested general public. This year, the Science Festival was organized in 18 cities in Croatia, and it was the second time that city of Hvar hosted it. Compared to the last year, organizers offered a much richer program and the Festival in Hvar lasted for three days, that was visited by students of almost all schools on the island (elementary school of Hvar, Stari Grad and Jelsa).

Read more: Festival of science 2016 in Hvar


Hvar Observatory participated in 13th Festival of Science

Written by Jaša Čalogović Thursday, 30 April 2015 11:40

thumb FZ2015-SunceFestival of Science with special topic "the Sun" was held for the first time in the Hvar town loggia on 20th April 2015, organized by Primary school Hvar and Hvar Observatory. The aim of festival is promote and raise awareness of science, technology and the environment with the aim of getting children interested in science and technology. The program consisted of the exhibition of student's artwork, a workshop "Funny quiz about the Sun" with more than 40 participants and a lecture "Why and how do we study our nearest star – the Sun?". A promotional/educational stand was set, where information was presented about Hvar Observatory, the Sun and the International Astronomical Union initiatives. Additional educational interactive stand was also set, where prism experiment was performed and that offered several puzzles of the Sun in different colors. During the day the visitors – students, teachers and parents were observing the Sun through the telescope where several sunspots were visible, while in the evening observations of the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Orion nebula were organized with amateur telescopes.

During the Festival of Science, from 20. to 25. April 2015, staff members of Hvar Observatory gave also two public lectures in Astronomy Center of Rijeka (23.4.) and organized workshop (24.4.) and lecture (25.4.) in Technical museum, Zagreb.

Pictures from Festival of Science in Hvar are available here.

Read more: Hvar Observatory participated in 13th Festival of Science


T-portal published the images from Hvar solar telescope

Friday, 11 May 2012 15:08

HA 09052012_1476One of the biggest croatian internet portals, T-portal made short interview with Bojan Vršnak in section science and published the images from Hvar solar telescope on 9.5.2012 using H-alpha filter. 

> Link to article (only in croatian)


Hvar Observatory on the Festival of Science 2011

Awarded childrenThis year's 9th Festival of Science took place from April 11th till April 16th in 8 different cities throughout Croatia, including Zagreb.  It offered a rich program that consisted of a series of lectures, workshops, exhibitions, projections and presentations, aiming to popularize science, especially among the children and the young. The main theme of this year's Festival, „light“, encouraged the scientists from Hvar Observatory to organize an exhibition under the name „the Sun“, intended for the youngest school kids.



Radio show Andromeda on Hvar Observatory

andromeda hvarTuesday, September 9th 2010 Hvar Observatory hosted Tanja Devčić and her crew from the Croatian radio channel 2 show „Andromeda“. The occasion was 10th Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium – „the Active Sun“, which took place September 6th till September 10th 2010 in Hvar. Radio show „Andromeda“, which is broadcasting for more than 14 years on the Croatian radio channel 2, went live from the Hvar Observatory on the Island of Hvar. The guests of the show were scientists from Hvar Observatory: Dr.  Bojan Vršnak, Dr. Roman Brajša, and Jaša Čalogović and a special guest was Prof. Arnold Benz from the Institute of Astronomy ETHZ Zürich.


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