About CEAB

The Central European Astrophysical Bulletin is a continuation of the Hvar Observatory Bulletin. The Hvar Obs. Bull. was founded in 1977 with the purpose to publish the scientific results, including also the fields of geodesy and geophysics, obtained at Hvar Observatory established in 1972 as a joint endeavour of the Council for Scientific work of the Socialist Republic of Croatia and the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondrejov (see Hvar Obs. Bull. 1, 1977, 1).

During the past decades the Hvar Obs. Bull. became a predominantly astrophysical journal, where the majority of the contributing authors were from the Central European countries. Therefore, it seemed appropriate that the name of the journal should reflect this development and at the 2nd Central European Solar Physics Meeting held in Bairisch Koelldorf in May 2005 it was proposed to rename the journal Hvar Obs. Bull. into Central European Astrophysical Bulletin.

The Editorial Board hopes that the Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, aiming at a high level of quality of content, will continue to contribute to astrophysical research. As previously, the Editorial Board will also welcome the submission of papers from outside the Central European geographical limits.

Online ISSN: 2706-3232
Print ISSN: 1845-8319

Short title: Cent. Eur. astrophys. bull.

© 2025 Hvar Observatory.