XIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium

The Sun and Heliosphere

3 - 7 September 2012, Hvar, Croatia

 Programme and Scientific Sessions
 List of participants
 Venue and Climate
 Travel and Accomodation
 Additional information
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Deadline for submitting the manuscripts for the proceedings of 12th Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium "The Sun and Heliosphere" is November 30, 2012.

The following page limits apply for the proceedings:
reviews = 18 pages, invited talks = 14 pages, contributed talks  = 12 pages, posters  = 6 pages.

Manuscripts should be prepared in LaTeX, preferably using the Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull. style file which is available here.


The meeting is held at the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Hvar Observatory.

CONFERENCE MEETING PLACE: Town Loggia, Hvar, Croatia.


Vladimir Ruždjak (chair)
Petr Heinzel (co-chair)
Roman Brajša
Edward W. Cliver
Nat Gopalswamy
Arnold Hanslmeier
Marian Karlicky
Ales Kučera
Andras Lundmany
Gottfried Mann
Janusz Sylwester
Bojan Vršnak
Domagoj Ruždjak (chair)
Jaša Čalogović
Mateja Dumbović
Davor Sudar
Tomislav Žic
Katica Vučetić
Joško Domančić

The coffee breaks are sponsored by:

Caffe bar Sidro Atlantic GrupaKala voda

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