CESPM 2019 presentations
Last Updated on Thursday, 03 October 2019 11:34
Abstract titles are linked to pdf files with the presentations.Upload your presentation (pdf) here
1. Solar Interior, Dynamo and the Solar Cycle
Name | Type | Abstract title |
Huaning Wang | Invited talk | Prediction of solar cycle 25: progress and challenges |
Qi Hao | Oral | Statistical Analysis of Filament Features during Solar Cycles 20–24 by Computer Automated Detection Method |
Melinda Nagy | Oral | How 'rogue' active region emergences affect the variation of the Solar Cycle? |
Olena Podladchikova | Oral | Automated EUV Wave Catalogue For Solar Cycle 23 And 24: EUV Global Wave Rotation Sense Follows Hale Magnetic Cycle |
Shangbin Yang | Oral | Magnetic helicity butterfly diagram of solar cycles: breaking the symmetry and braking the activity |
2. Heating and Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere layers
3. Fundamental Plasma Processes: Magnetic Reconnection, Waves, Emission, Particle Acceleration
4. Manifestations and Triggering of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
5. Solar-Terrestrial Relations, Solar Wind, Space Weather and Space Climate
Name | Type | Abstract title |
Milan Maksimović | Invited talk | Particles and plasma waves from the Sun to the Earth: progress and challenges |
Astrid Veronig | Invited talk | Space Weather chains connecting the Sun to Earth |
Yuming Wang | Invited talk | CME Propagation and Space Weather |
Jaša Čalogović | Oral | Predicting CME arrival time and speed with DBEM |
Mateja Dumbović | Oral | Unusual plasma and particle signatures at Mars and STEREO-A related to inhibited expansion caused by CME-CME interaction |
Li Feng | Oral | 3D evolution of a coronal shock and its link to the longitudinal distribution of SEP properties |
Xiaolei Li | Oral | Reconstructing 3D Solar Wind Structures from STEREO’s Dual Views |
Stefaan Poedts | Oral | EUHFORIA in the ESA Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre |