Proceedings of ISEST 2018 / XVIth HAC
Proceedings of the ISEST 2018 Workshop / XVIth HAC, which was held from 24 to 28 September in Hvar, will be published as a special issue of the Central European Astrophysical Bulletin (CEAB).The deadline for submitting your contribution for proceedings of ISEST 2018 Workshop / XVIth HAC is 31 December 2018.
The page limits for ISEST 2018 proceedings are: poster 8 pages, contributed talk 12 pages and invited talk 18 pages.
Manuscripts should be prepared in LaTeX, using the CEAB style file. This file contains ceab.cls and sample.tex, as well as bibliography style files ceab.bst, ceabbib.sty and sample bibliography file.
All prepared manuscripts should be sent with mail to Domagoj Ruzdjak ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ).