Dr. Roman Brajša, dipl. ing.

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Position:   Full research professor

Personal Information

Born: 17 May 1963, Zagreb, Croatia

Citizenship: Croatia

Address: Faculty of Geodesy, Kačićeva 26, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Tel: +385 1 4639 318;   fax: +385 1 4828 081

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Professional Preparation

PhD, Astrophysics (Solar Physics), University of Zagreb, 1994

MSc, Astrophysics (Solar Physics), University of Zagreb, 1992

BSc, Theoretical Physics, University of Zagreb, 1989

Fellowships: DAAD & Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg, Germany

Employment: Hvar Observatory, Faculty of Geodesy, Uni. Zagreb, since 1989

Position: scientific advisor, since 2009; the Head of Hvar Observartory since 2013

Research field: solar physics - theoretical and observational aspects of:  solar differential rotation, solar cycle, solar-terrestrial physics, solar radio astronomy, radiation processes in the solar atmosphere

Teaching: Faculty of Natural Sciences; Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb (took part in giving undergraduate lectures on Plasma and Solar Physics and Basic Astrophysics, respectively);  supervisor or co-supervisor of 2 PhD theses (work in progress), 2 MSc theses, 4 BSc theses and 8 research student works; member of the jury for evaluation and/or defense of 4 PhD theses (Univ. of Louvain-La-Neueve, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Oulu); active in popularization of astronomy (several public lectures per year; radio and TV programmes, member of Editorial Boards of 2 astronomical journals in Croatian language); member of the National jury for competition in astronomy for schools in Croatia (president 2013/2014).

Member of International Astronomical Union (IAU), European Astronomical Society (EAS), Community of European Solar Radio Astronomers (CESRA), Croatian Astronomical Society (President), Croatian Physical Society

Referee for two funding agencies in Georgia and Croatia, one institute in India; referee of many papers in journals Adv. Space Res.,  Astron. Astrophys., Astrophys. J., Astrophys. J. Lett., J. Geophys. Res., Solar Phys., Hvar Obs. Bull., Cent. Eur. Astrophys. Bull., Građevinar, Advances in Astronomy, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

Principal investigator or a collaborator in a number of international and national projects in the field of solar physics and space weather. The recent projects include:

2013-2017: SOLARNET (FP7, solar physics – in general)

2012-2015: eHEROES (FP7, characterizing the environment in space, to provide useful information for planning and implementing space missions)

2011-2014: COMESEP (FP7, forecasting the space weather impact on the solar system)

2008-2011: SOTERIA (FP7, solar-terrestrial physics)

2007-2010:  “Physical Processes in the Solar and Stellar atmospheres”  (MZOŠ, Croatia)

2002-2006:  “Physical Processes in the Solar and Stellar atmospheres”  (MZOŠ, Croatia)

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