European Researchers' Night
Written by Mateja Dumbovic
European Researchers' Night is an initiative implemented throughout Europe with the financial support of the European Commission (under the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation - Horizon 2020). The aim of the initiative is to popularize science, to bring science and the work of scientists closer to the public, to encourage young people to enter into research careers and to inform the general public about European and national policies in the field of science. In Croatia, the European Researchers' Night has been held at several locations in four Croatian cities: Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek. Part of the European Researchers' Night 2019 program, organized by the Croatian Science Foundation, took place in the Zagreb Grič Tunnel, where the pupils of Zagreb elementary schools presented the results of workshops that they made together with Croatian scientists during June and September.
Dr. Sc. Mateja Dumbović from the Hvar Observatory took a part in the workshops with the students of Prečko Elementary School and prepared a play with the topic "Space forecasters", that was performed several times in the Grič tunnel and on the European Square stage. As part of a stand in the Grič Tunnel, visitors were also able to learn directly from group of young space forecasters or "Prečko space cadets" about Sun storms, were able to assemble a Sun puzzle or a satellite and win for a reward posters of the Sun and space.