CEAB Volume 46, 2022
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin (CEAB), Volume 46, 2022

1.) Regular article
Empirical atmosphere model in a mini flare during magnetic reconnection | |
Schmieder, B.; Joshi, R.; Chandra, R.; Aulanier, G.; Tei, A.; Heinzel, P.; Tomin, J.; Vilmer, N.; Bommier, V. | |
Solar Eruptions and Sustained Gamma-ray Emission | |
Gopalswamy, N.; Mäkelä, P.; Akiyama, S.; Xie, H.; Yashiro, S. | |
Investigation of CME and HSS driven Joule Heating during high geomagnetic activity using MHD model | |
Erdemir, P.; Kaymaz, Z.; Kalafatoglu Eyiguler, E. C.; Rastaetter, L. | |
Measuring differential rotation from full disk ALMA images of the Sun | |
Skokić, I.; Sudar, D.; Brajša, R. |