Second Announcement - ISEST, Hvar, 17.-20.6.2013

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sun earthThis is the second announcement for the International Study for Earth-Affecting Solar Transients (ISEST) Workshop in Hvar, Croatia, June 17-20, 2013. ISEST is intended to bring together scientists from different countries to interact and establish collaborations that can effectively address the physical mechanisms of the origin and propagation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs),  toward the goal of developing the prediction capability of solar transients' arrival and potential impact on the Earth. This is a newly established program under SCOSTEP CAWSES-II. The workshop engages coordinated international activities in observation, theory and modeling, and involves scientists in both developed and developing countries, and provides an online platform for both research and educational opportunities for students.

It is now open for registration, deadline April 20, 2013.  A limited amount of money is available for providing financial aid to young researchers and key contributors. The aid will be normally used for local hotel cost and per diem, but not the travel. Please send email to Jie Zhang ( Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript ) before April 20, 2013 for financial aid.

If you are interested in this workshop and the online resources, but not attending the meeting, you can sign up at the participant webpage. If you plan to attend the meeting, you need to register besides the signup. Please book the hotel soon, since accommodations are tight at Hvar in June.

SOC:  Jie Zhang (Chair, USA), Bojan Vršnak (Co-Chair, Croatia), Ayumi Asai (Japan), Peter Gallagher (Ireland), Alejandro Lara (Mexico), Noé Lugaz (USA), Christian Möstl (Austria), Alexis Rouillard (France), Nandita Srivastava (India), Yuri Yermolaev (Russia), Yu-Ming Wang (China), David Webb (USA)

The meeting website can be found at .
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