


  1. Sudar, D., Vršnak, B.Dumbović, M.: 2015, "Predicting coronal mass ejections transit times to Earth with neural network", MNRAS 456, pp.1542–1548, DOI:10.1093/mnras/stv2782, pdfpdf
  2. Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Čalogović, J.: 2016, “Forbush decrease prediction based on remote solar observation“,Sol. Phys., 291, pp.285–302, DOI 10.1007/s11207-015-0819-4, pdfpdf
  3. Vršnak, B., Temmer, M., Žic, T., Dumbović, M., Čalogović J.: 2016, "Forecasting the Arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections: The Drag-Based Model", Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era ASP Conference Series, 504, pp.209, link to article
  4. Lefèvre, L., Vennerstrøm, S., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Sudar, D., Arlt, R., Clette, F., Crosby, N.: 2016, "Detailed Analysis of Solar Data Related to Historical Extreme Geomagnetic Storms: 1868 – 2010", Solar Physics, doi:10.1007/s11207-016-0892-3, link to article
  5. Vennerstrom, S., Lefevre, L., Dumbović, M., Crosby, N., Malandraki, O., Patsou, I., Clette, F., Veronig, A., Vršnak, B., Leer, K., Moretto, T.: 2016, "Extreme Geomagnetic Storms – 1868 – 2010", Solar Physics, doi:10.1007/s11207-016-0897-y, link to article
  6. Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Liu, J., Shen, C., Shen, F., Yang, Z., Žic, T., Vršnak, B., Webb, D.F., Liu, R., Wang, S., Zhang, J.:"On the propagation of a geoeffective coronal mass ejection during 15-17 March 2015", Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 8, pp. 7423-7434, link to article
  7. Vršnak, B., Rollett, T., Veronig, A.M., Möstl, C., Amerstorfer, U.V., Leitner, M., Temmer, M., Ibsen, T., Vennerstrøm, S., Dumbović, M.Žic, T., Farrugia, C.J., Isavnin, A.: "Multi-point Observations and Analysis of Radially Aligned Magnetic Clouds", submitted to Astrophysical Journal
  8. Dumbović, M., Srivastava, N., Yamini, Vršnak, B., "Validation of the CME Geomagnetic forecast alerts under COMESEP alert system", submitted to Solar Physics (topical issue: Earth-affecting Solar Transients)


Conferences and workshops


  1. Dumbović, M.: "Catalog of Large Amplitude Oscillations (LAO catalog)"; ISSI workshop: Large‐Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences, Bern, 9.-13. 11. 2015. pptxpptx
  2. Dumbović, M.: "The Hvar Observatory CME-effectiveness tools"; Science for Space Weather, Goa, India, 24.-29.01.2016. pdfpdf
  3. Žic, T.: "The drag based model"; The 8th Community Coordinated Modeling Center Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, 11.-15.4.2016, pdfpdf
  4. Lulić, S.: ”Formation of coronal shock waves”; 11th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Monterey, California, USA, 06-10.06.2016., pdfpdf
  5. Vršnak, B.: Working group 2 report: "CMEs, shock waves, and their radio diagnostics"; CESRA 2016: Solar radio physics from the chromosphere to near Earth, Orléans, 13.-17.06.2016, pdfpdf
  6. Vršnak, B.: "Solar eruptions"; ISSI workshop - The scientific foundations of space weather, Bern, 27.06. - 01.07.2016 (INVITED), pdfpdf
  7. Žic, T.: ”The drag-based model in a complex numerical environment”; European week of Astronomy and Space science, Athens, Greece, 04-08.07.2016., pdfpdf
  8. Lulić, S.: ”Formation of coronal large-amplitude waves and chromospheric response”, European week of Astronomy and Space science, Athens, Greece, 04-08.07.2016., pdfpdf
  9. Dumbović, M.: "Forbush decreases caused by expanding ICMEs: analytical model and observation", European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Torino, Italy, 05-09.09.2016., pdfpdf
  10. Vršnak, B.: "Solar Eruptions: the CME-flare Relationship", XIV Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016., pdfpdf
  11. Čalogović, J.: "Cosmic ray modulation and geoeffectiveness of corotating interaction regions derived from coronal hole area measurements", XIV Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016., pdfpdf
  12. Dumbović, M.: "Validation of the CME arrival time and geomagnetic forecast alerts under COMESEP", XIV Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016., pdfpdf
  13. Čalogović, J.: "Cosmic ray modulation by corotating interaction regions derived from satellite measurements", IAUS 327: Fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere, Cartagena, Colombia, 9-14.10.2016., pdfpdf



  1. Čalogović J., Dumbović M., Vršnak B., Brajša R.: "Photosphere and chromosphere telescope at Hvar Observatory"; Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting - Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era, 5. - 9. 10. 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, pdfpdf
  2. Vršnak B., Žic T., Čalogović J., Dumbović M.: "Forecasting the arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections: The Drag-Based Model"; Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting - Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era, 5. - 9. 10. 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, pdfpdf
  3. Žic, T., Temmer, M., Vršnak, B., Lulić, S.: "The drag based model application"; Science for Space Weather, Goa, India, 24.-29.01.2016., pdfpdf
  4. Čalogović, J., Laken, B.: "Does a cosmic ray-cloud link operate at local spatial scales?"; Space Climate 6 Symposium, Levi, Finland, 4.-7.4.2016, pdfpdf
  5. Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Čalogović, J.: "Forbush decrease prediction based on remote solar observation"; European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), SOLICITED, Vienna, Austria, 17.-22.4.2016, pdfpdf
  6. Žic, T., Temmer, M., Vršnak B.: "Usage of the drag based model"; European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna, Austria, 17.-22.4.2016, pdfpdf
  7. Žic, T.: ”Formation of coronal large-amplitude waves”; 11th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Monterey, California, USA, 06-10.06.2016., pdfpdf
  8. Vršnak, B.: "Solar Eruptions”; 15th RHESSI workshop, Graz, Austria, 26-30.07.2016., pdfpdf
  9. Lulić, S.: "Formation of coronal shock waves", XIV Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016., pdfpdf
  10. Dumbović, M.: "Catalog of Large-Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences", XIV Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016., pdfpdf
  11. Dumbović, M.: "Catalog of Large-Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences", IAUS 327: Fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere, Cartagena, Colombia, 9-14.10.2016., pdfpdf



  1. Dumbović, M.: "Space weather research at the Hvar Observatory", Udaipur Solar Observatory, Udaipur, India, 02.02.2016, pdfpdf
  2. Čalogović, J.: "A critical look at cosmic ray-cloud relationships", Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, Norway, 18.02.2016, pdfpdf
  3. Čalogović, J.: "Coronal holes and solar wind parameters", Kanzelhohe Observatory workshop, University of Graz, 22.-26.2.2016, pdfpdf
  4. Vršnak, B.: "Space weather research at the Hvar Observatory", Physics department, University of Kiel, 24.05.2016, pdfpdf
  5. Žic, T.:"Eruptivni procesi u Sunčevoj koroni i njihovo širenje heliosferom", Department of physics,  University of Rijeka, 25.05.2016, pdfpdf
  6. Čalogović, J.: "Cosmic rays and clouds: an important climate factor?", Institute of physics, University of Graz, Austria, 5.7.2016, pdfpdf



  1. Čalogović, J.: Lectures for students ("A cosmic ray - cloud link and cloud observations" and "Composite analysis and Monte Carlo methods - an example with Forbush decreases and cloud cover") during European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Grenoble, France, 25. - 26. 1. 2016, pdf1st lecture, pdf2nd lecture
  2. Dumbović, M.: lecture/workshop for teachers (”Važnost računa pogreške pri obradi rezultata mjerenja”) during professional meeting for teachers ”Competencies for Teachers for the implementation of Astronomy”, Zagreb, Croatia, 27.06.2016., pdfpdf


Public outreach

  1. Čalogović, J.: workshop for children "Izrada Sunčanog sata i drugih astronomskih pomagala", Festival of science, Hvar, 22.04.2016
  2. Lulić, S.: public lecture "Nastanak i evolucija zvijezda", Festival of science, Hvar, 22.04.2016, pdfpdf
  3. Čalogović, J.: public lecture "Utječe li Sunce na klimatske promjene na Zemlji?", Festival of science, Hvar, 23.04.2016, pdfpdf
  4. Vršnak, B.: public lecture "Pogled na Sunce sa sunčanoga Hvara", Festival of science, Hvar, 23.04.2016, pdfpdf
  5. Vršnak, B.: public lecture "Naša zvezda Sonce", European Territorial Collaboration Slovenian/Croatian Youth Center, Rečica ob Savinji, Slovenia, 29.04.2016, pdfpdf
  6. Dumbović, M.: public lecture "Kozmičko zračenje i mi", Astronomy summer school, Josipdol, Croatia, 21.07.2016, pdfpdf
  7. Vršnak, B. guest in HRT1 TV show "Društvena mreža" 20.09.2016.


Promotion material

  1. project brochure: PoKRet_brosura.pdf
  2. project poster: PoKRet_poster.pdf
  3. brochure about Hvar Observatory (in croatian): OHbrosura_hrv.pdf
  4. brochure about Hvar Observatory (in english): OHbrosura_eng.pdf
  5. brochure about Sun: Sunce_letak.pdf
  6. poster about solar storms: solarne_oluje_poster.pdf