
Space Climate 6 - school and symposium in Levi

Written by Mateja Dumbović on . Posted in News

thumb SCS6 group photoFrom 30 March to 7 April 2016 Space Climate 6 school and symposium was held in Levi, Finnish Lapland, focused on long-term datasets available for space climate studies, as well as on different data analysis methods and error estimations of long inhomogeneous data series. The lecturers of the school were internationally recognized scientists with broad teaching experience. The school targeted at international community of students and young scientists in the field of space physics where the participants were selected by the scientific organizing committee (among them M. Dumbović). The symposium brought together leading experts in space climate studies with the objective to better understand the causes and effects of long-term variations in solar activity. J. Čalogović attended the symposium and presented a poster titled "Does a cosmic ray-cloud link operate at local spatial scales?".