- Brajša, R., Sudar. D., Skokić, I., & Saar, S.: „Solar velocity field determined tracking coronal bright points"; XIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, 22.-26. 09. 2014. (INVITED),
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- Vršnak, B., Žic, T., Lulić, S., Muhr, N., Veronig, A., Temmer, M., Kienreich, I.: „Initiation and evolution of coronal shock waves"; XIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, 22.-26. 09. 2014.
pptx [D19. (month 12 / done in month 1)]
- Heber, B., Galsdorf, D., Herbst, K., Wallmann, C., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Veronig, A., Möstl, C., Dalla, S.: „Forbush decreases associated to Stealth CME"; XIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, 22.-26. 09. 2014. (INVITED)
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- Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B.: „Forbush decrease prediction based on the remote solar observations"; XIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, 22.-26. 09. 2014.
- Čalogović J.: "Solar Hα and white light telescope at Hvar Observatory"; 2nd SOLARNET School: Ground- and space- based solar instruments, Tatranska Lomnica, 5.-16.10.2014.
- Čalogović, J., Laken, B., Kapolkova, H.: "Does Europe's wind show signs of the solar cycle?"; 11th European Space Weather Week, Liege, 17.-21. 11. 2014.
- Vršnak, B., Žic, T.: „Propagation of 'Simple Waves': Basic Properties"; International Space Science Institute, Bern, 23.-27. 02. 2015. (INVITED)
- Vršnak, B., Žic, T.: „Oscillations of Coronal Structures Caused by Large-Amplitude Waves“; International Space Science Institute, Bern, 2.-5. 03. 2015. (INVITED)
- Čalogović, J., Laken, B.: "Can isolating specific cloud types provide evidence of a cosmic ray - cloud link?"; Conference on Sun-Climate Connections, Kiel, 16.-19. 03. 2015.
- Vršnak, B., Žic, T.: „Solar Eruptions and Shock Waves"; ISSI workshop: The Nature of Coronal Bright Fronts, Bern, 05.-07. 04. 2015,
- Vršnak, B., Žic, T.: „Observations and modeling of shocks"; Multi-Wavelength Studies of the Solar Atmosphere, Ioannina, 21.-24. 09. 2015. (INVITED),
- Poljančić-Beljan, I.: „Determination of the Kanzelhöhe sunspot group positions: manual versus automatic method"; Multi-Wavelength Studies of the Solar Atmosphere, Ioannina, 21.-25. 09. 2015.
- Vršnak, B.: "Solar Eruptions: the CME-flare Relationship"; 12th Potsdam Thinkshop "The Dynamic Sun – Exploring the Many Facets of Solar Eruptive Events", Potsdam, 26.-29. 10. 2015. (INVITED),
- Dumbović, M., Čalogović J.: "Catalog of Large Amplitude Oscillations (LAO catalog)"; ISSI workshop: Large‐Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences, Bern, 9.-13. 11. 2015.
- Vršnak, B.: "Coronal and Prominence Diagnostics based on Transverse Oscillations: Analytic Approach"; ISSI workshop: Large‐Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences, Bern, 9.-13. 11. 2015.
- Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Čalogović, J.: "The Hvar Observatory CME-effectiveness forecast tools", Science for Space Weather, Goa, India, 24.-29.01.2016.,
- Sudar, D., Dumbović, M., Vršnak: "Analysis of CME arrival times at 1 AU with neural network", 6th international workshop on solar and stellar magnetic fields, Bairisch-Koelldorf, Austria, 25.-28.04.2016.,
- Vršnak, B., Nindos, A.: Working group 2 report: "CMEs, shock waves, and their radio diagnostics"; CESRA 2016: Solar radio physics from the chromosphere to near Earth, Orléans, 13.-17.06.2016,
- Vršnak, B.: "Solar eruptions"; ISSI workshop - The scientific foundations of space weather, Bern, 27.06. - 01.07.2016 (INVITED),
- Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Čalogović J., Heber, B., Herbst, K., Kühl, P., Galsdorf, D., Veronig, A., Temmer, M., Mostl, C.: "Forbush decreases caused by expanding ICMEs: analytical model and observation", European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Torino, Italy, 05. - 09.09.2016.,
- Vršnak, B.: "Solar Eruptions: the CME-flare Relationship", XIVth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016.,
- Čalogović, J., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Heber, B., Temmer, M., Veronig, A.: "Cosmic ray modulation and geoeffectiveness of corotating interaction regions derived from coronal hole area measurements", XIVth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016.,
- Dumbović, M., Srivastava, N., Yamini, Devos, A., Vršnak, B. et al.: "Validation of the CME arrival time and geomagnetic forecast alerts under COMESEP", XIVth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016.,
- Čalogović, J., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Heber, B., Temmer, M., Veronig, A.: "Cosmic ray modulation by corotating interaction regions derived from satellite measurements", IAUS 327: Fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere, Cartagena, Colombia, 9-14.10.2016.,
- Skokić, I., Sudar, D., Saar, S. H., Brajša, R., Poljančić-Beljan, I.: "An application of the Random Walk Model to proper Motions of Coronal Bright Points from SDO Data"; XIVth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26-30.09.2016.,
- Čalogović, J., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Heber, B., Temmer, M., Veronig, A.: "Forecasting of geoeffectiveness and Cosmic Ray modulation induced by Corotating Interaction Regions", Second VarSITI General Symposium, Irkutsk, Russia, 10. - 15.7.2017.,
- Brajša, R., Sudar, D., Skokić, I., Benz, A.O., Kuhar M.: "An analysis of chromospheric fine structure with the ALMA radio telescope", 15th European solar Pyhsics Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 04-08.09.2017,
- Čalogović, J., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Temmer, M., Veronig, A., Mays, L. M.: "Drag-Based Ensemble Model (DBEM): probabilistic model for heliospheric propagation of ICMEs", Our mysterious Sun: magnetic coupling between solar interior and atmosphere, Tbilisi, Georgia, 25-29.9.2017,
- Sudar, D., Brajša, R., Skokić, I. : "Effect of Center to Limb Brightness Variations on High Resolution Solar Observations", EST Workshop, Bairisch Kölldorf, Austria, 09-10.10.2017,
- Vršnak, B.: "The Role of Flux Emergence in Triggering Solar Eruptive Events", EST Workshop, Bairisch Kölldorf, Austria, 09-10.10.2017,
- Brajša, R., Sudar, D., Skokić, I., Benz, A.O., Kuhar M.: "High resolution analysis of chromospheric fine structure with ALMA", EST Workshop, Bairisch Kölldorf, Austria, 09-10.10.2017,
- Brajša, R.: "Hvar Observatory – first 45 years", XVth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 17-10.10.2017,
- Ruždjak, D.: "Austro-Croatian Telescope (ACT) – first 20 years", XVth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 17-10.10.2017,
- Čalogović J.: "Solar variability influences on climate and cosmic ray - cloud link" and "A critical look at cosmic ray - cloud link: Forbush decreases and cloud cover", European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Grenoble, France, 22. - 23. 1. 2017,
1st presentation,
2nd presentation
- Vršnak, B.: "Coronal and Prominence Diagnostics based on Prominence Oscillations", ISSI workshop: Large-Amplitude Oscillations as a Probe of Quiescent and Erupting Solar Prominences, Bern, Switzerland, 8.-13.04.2018,
- Vršnak, B., Kirin, A., Dumbović, M., Heber, B.: "Reflection of Cosmic Rays at Oblique MHD Shocks", 2nd International Doctoral Seminar in field of Geodesy, Geoinformatics and Geospace (IDS3Geo), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8. - 11.05.2018,
- Dumbović, M., Heber, B., Vršnak, B., Kirin, A.: "Forbush decrease model for expanding CMEs (ForbMod)", 2nd International Doctoral Seminar in field of Geodesy, Geoinformatics and Geospace (IDS3Geo), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8. - 11.05.2018,
- Čalogović, J., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Temmer, M., Veronig, A., Žic, T., Mays, L. M., Piantschitsch I.: "Probabilistic model for heliospheric propagation of CMEs: DBEMv2 web application", 2nd International Doctoral Seminar in field of Geodesy, Geoinformatics and Geospace (IDS3Geo), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 8. - 11.05.2018,
- Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B.: „Forbush decrease prediction based on the remote solar observations"; The 24th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Kiel, 1.-5. 09. 2014. (BEST POSTER AWARD),
- Poljančić-Beljan, I., Jurdana-Šepić, R., Čargonja, M., Brajša, R., Hržina, D., Pötzi, W., Hanslmeier, A.: „Solar differential rotation analysis from Kanzelhöhe sunspot drawings"; XIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, 22.-26. 09. 2014.
- Dumbović M., A. Devos, L. Rodriguez, B. Vršnak, E. Kraaikamp, B. Bourgoignie, J. Čalogović: „The CME geomagnetic forecast tool (CGFT)"; Living With a Star (LWS) Science Meeting: "Evolving Solar Activity and Its Influence on Space and Earth", Portland, 3.-6. 11. 2014.
- Dumbović M., A. Devos, L. Rodriguez, B. Vršnak, E. Kraaikamp, B. Bourgoignie, J. Čalogović: „Testing and improvement of the CME geomagnetic forecast tool (CGFT)"; 11th European Space Weather Week, Liege, 17.-21. 11. 2014.
- Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Čalogović, J., Sudar, D., Heber, B., Wallmann, C., Galsdorf, D., Herbst, C., Kuhl, P., Veronig, A., Temmer, M., Mostl, C., Dalla, S.: "A simple model of Forbush decreases caused by sheathless magnetic clouds"; European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, 12. – 17.04.2015.
- Ferenčić, M. P., Čalogović, J., Brajša, R., Jelić, D., Brajša, K.: "In the eye of the beholder"; CroArtScia 2015 – Technological Innovations: Art & Science, Zagreb, Croatia, 27.-30.05.2015.
- Čalogović J., Dumbović M., Vršnak B., Brajša R.: "Photosphere and chromosphere telescope at Hvar Observatory"; Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting - Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era, Coimbra, Portugal, 5.-9.10.2015.
- Vršnak B., Žic T., Čalogović J., Dumbović M.: "Forecasting the arrival of Coronal Mass Ejections: The Drag-Based Model"; Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting - Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era, Coimbra, Portugal, 5.-9.10.2015.
- Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Čalogović, J.: "Forbush decrease prediction based on remote solar observation"; European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU), Vienna, Austria, 17.-22.4.2016. (SOLICITED POSTER),
- Čalogović, J., Laken, B.: "Does a cosmic ray-cloud link operate at local spatial scales?", Space Climate 6 Symposium, 4.-7.4.2016.
- Dumbović, M., Luna, M., Ballester, J. L., Chen, P-F., Čalogović, J., Gilbert, H., Karpen, J., Knizhnik, K., Magyar, N., Ruderman, M., Schuck, P., Terradas, J., Vršnak, B., Zhang, Q.: "Catalog of Large-Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences", XIV Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, Hvar, Croatia, 26. - 30.09.2016.,
- Dumbović, M., Luna, M., Ballester, J. L., Chen, P-F., Čalogović, J., Gilbert, H., Karpen, J., Knizhnik, K., Magyar, N., Ruderman, M., Schuck, P., Terradas, J., Vršnak, B., Zhang, Q.: "Catalog of Large-Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences", IAUS 327: Fine structure and dynamics of the solar atmosphere, Cartagena, Colombia, 9. - 14.10.2016.,
- Čalogović, J., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Heber, B., Temmer, M., Veronig, A.: "Forecasting of Corotating Interaction Regions Geoeffectiveness", 13th European Space Weather Week, Oostende, Belgium, 14. - 18.11.2016. ,
- Čalogović, J., Dumbović, M., Vršnak, B., Temmer, M., Mays, L. M., Veronig, A.: "Validation of Drag-Based Ensemble Model (DBEM): probabilistic model for heliospheric propagation of CMEs", 14th European Space Weather Week, Oostende, Belgium, 27.11. - 01.12.2017,
- XIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium: „Physics of the Solar Atmosphere" (Hvar, 22.-26. 09- 2014.)
- SOC: R. Brajša (co-chair), A. Hanslmeier [AT] (co-chair), A. Benz [CH], E. Cliver [US], B. Heber [DE], A. Kučera [SK], M. Tomczak [PL], S. Vennerstrom [DK], B. Vršnak.
- LOC: D. Ruždjak (co-chair), J. Čalogović (co-chair), J. Domančić, M. Dumbović, D. Sudar , K. Vučetić, T. Žic.