List of deliverables
- D1- Data depository at the Hvar Observatory server: cosmic ray (CR) flux data from various neutron monitor stations, month 3, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D2- Scientific paper: Analysis of SIDC and other data sets, behaviour of the solar cycle 24, month 3, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, J. Čalogović)
- D3- Diploma work of M. Kuhar, Theoretical modelling, numerical integration of the radiative transfer equation, interpretation of results, month 4, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D4- Scientific paper: Theoretical modelling, numerical integration of the radiative transfer equation, interpretation of results, final analysis and comparisons, month 6, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D5- Scientific paper: Solar rotation, analysis of SDO data, month 6, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, I. Poljančić-Beljan, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D6- Diploma work of M. Čargonja: Solar rotation, analysis of Kanzelhohe data, month 6, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, I. Poljančić-Beljan, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D7- Data depository at the Hvar Observatory server: the satellite (ISCCP & MODIS), ground based and indirect (diurnal temperature range) cloud datasets, cloud parameters, month 6, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D8- Two scientific papers: Analysis of SIDC and other data sets, behaviour of the solar cycle 24, month 6, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, J. Čalogović)
- D9- Scientific paper: Meridional motions and Reynolds stress, SDO data, month 9, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, I. Poljančić-Beljan, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D10- General-public presentation: Analysis of cloud data during the largest short-term deviations in CR flux, month 9, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D11- Internal report: Understanding radiation processes in the solar atmosphere at mm/sub-mm wavelengths: Comparison of theoretical results with other data, month 10, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D12- Scientific paper: Random walk model, calculation of the diffusion constant, SDO data, month 12, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, I. Poljančić-Beljan, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D13- Scientific paper: Reanalysis of some past data using Monte Carlo approach to test the significance of the results regarding solar influence of the climate, month 12, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D14- Conference presentation: Reanalysis of some past data using Monte Carlo approach to test the significance of the results regarding solar influence of the climate, month 12, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D15- Paper on existing magnitudes and light curves of selected T Tauri stars: Final analysis of results and interpretation, month 12, (R. Jurdana-Šepić, I. Poljančić-Beljan, R. Brajša)
- D16- General-public lecture on solar eruptive events at Zagreb Observatory, month 12, (M. Dumbović, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D17- Data depository at the Hvar Observatory server: coronagraphic and EUV data on CMEs and flares, in situ data on ICMEs, geomagnetic indices and cosmic ray flux, month 12, (M. Dumbović, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D18- Scientific paper on shock formation and propagation (CC Journal: Solar Physics), month 12, (T. Žic, B. Vršnak)
- D19- Conference presentation on shock formation and propagation, month 12, (T. Žic, B. Vršnak)
- D20- Conference presentation: Theoretical/analytical modelling of kink instabilty, month 15, (B. Vršnak, T. Žic)
- D21- Data depository at the Hvar Observatory server: Lightning data from various satellite and ground based data sets (GLDN, Blitzortung, LIS / OTD), month 15, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D22- Conference presentation on the geoeffectiveness of solar eruptive events: Statistical analysis and interpretation of CME/flare-related geomagnetic and cosmic-ray disturbances, month 18, (M. Dumbović, D. Sudar, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D23a- Scientific paper: Analysis of lightning data in relation to short- and long-term variations in CR flux, month 18, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D23b- Conference presentation: Analysis of lightning data in relation to short- and long-term variations in CR flux, month 18, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D24- Data depository: Compiling and processing the synoptic weather data using Hess-Brezowsky (HB) classification system, month 21, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D25- Scientific paper on the geoeffectiveness of CIRs: Statistical analysis and interpretation of CIR-related geomagnetic and cosmic-ray disturbances, month 24, (M. Dumbović, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D26- Conference presentation: Analysis of SIDC and other data sets, month 24, (R. Brajša, I. Poljančić-Beljan, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, J. Čalogović)
- D27a- Scientific paper: Analysis of long-term synoptic weather (HB) data related to changes in solar activity, month 24, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D27b- Conference presentation: Analysis of long-term synoptic weather (HB) data related to changes in solar activity, month 24, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D28- General-public lecture: Analysis of long-term synoptic weather (HB) data related to changes in solar activity, month 24, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D29- PhD thesis, M. Dumbović: Physical interpretation of the CME- and CIR-related geomagnetic and cosmic-ray disturbances, month 24, (M. Dumbović, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D30- Conference presentation at the "European Space Weather Week": Physical interpretation of the CME- and CIR-related geomagnetic and cosmic-ray disturbances, month 24, (M. Dumbović, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D31- Data depository: Compiling the synoptic ground based weather data (e.g. atmospheric temperature, pressure, wind), sea surface temperature data and various climate proxies, month 27, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D32- PhD Thesis of I. Poljančić-Beljan: Comprehensive analysis and comparison of Greenwich Photoheliographic Results and SOON /NOAA Catalogues, DPD, Kanzelhohe and SDO data, month 30, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, I. Poljančić-Beljan, R. Jurdana-Šepić)
- D33- General-public lecture at the Zagreb Observatory: Real-time forecasting of the CME arrival at any “target” in the inner heliosphere, month 30, (M. Dumbović, T. Žic, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D34- General-public lecture: Long-term analysis of sea surface temperature and corresponding changes in the solar irradiance (solar activity), month 33, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D35- Scientific paper: Investigation of cloud properties for certain cloud types under specific atmospheric conditions where influence of solar activity on clouds is theoretically the most favourable, month 36, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D36- Scientific paper on the role of reconnection in the acceleration of CMEs: Theoretical/analytical modelling, month 36, (B. Vršnak, T. Žic)
- D37- Conference presentation: Role of reconnection in the acceleration of CMEs, Theoretical/analytical modelling, month 36, (B. Vršnak, T. Žic)
- D38- Conference presentation: Physical interpretation of the CME- and CIR-related geomagnetic and cosmic-ray disturbances, month 36, (M. Dumbović, T. Žic, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D39- Scientific paper on the accuracy of the developed space weather forecasting tool (Journal: Solar Physics): Physical interpretation of the CME- and CIR-related geomagnetic and cosmic-ray disturbances, month 36, (M. Dumbović, T. Žic, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak)
- D40- Conference presentation: Analysis of possible changes in cloud microphysical properties (e.g. thickness, opacity) related to the global electric circuit mechanism, month 39, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D41- Catalogue of observed solar flares eruptive prominences, and monitored active regions: Observations with chromospheric and photospheric HO telescopes, month 40, (M. Dumbović, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak, R. Brajša)
- D42- Conference presentation: Observations with chromospheric and photospheric HO telescopes, month 40, (M. Dumbović, J. Čalogović, B. Vršnak, R. Brajša)
- D43- General-public lecture: Solar activity, space weather and space climate: Analysis of SIDC and other data sets, month 48, (R. Brajša, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak, J. Čalogović)
- D44- Scientific paper: Comparison of various theoretical mechanisms linking solar activity and climate based on previous empirical studies, month 48, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D45- Conference presentation: Comparison of various theoretical mechanisms linking solar activity and climate based on previous empirical studies, month 48, (J. Čalogović, M. Dumbović, B. Vršnak)
- D46- Conference presentation: Analysis of acquired data: Monitoring of selected bright weak-line T-Tauri stars, month 48, (R. Jurdana-Šepić, I. Poljančić-Beljan, H. Božić, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak)
- D47- Sci.-Popular paper on early type stars: Analysis of acquired data: Monitoring of selected bright weak-line T-Tauri stars, month 48, (R. Jurdana-Šepić, I. Poljančić-Beljan, H. Božić, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak)
- D48- BVR photometric database of candidate stars: Photometric observations, and data compilation: Discovering exoplanets, month 48, (H. Božić, D. Sudar, D. Ruždjak)