
2nd ISSI workshop "Large‐Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences"

Written by Mateja Dumbović on . Posted in News

M. DumbovićIMG 3157 and B. Vršnak attended second workshop „Large‐Amplitude Oscillations in Solar Prominences“as members of the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) team led by Manuel Luna Bennasar, which includes also scientists from Spain, UK, USA, China and Belgium. B. Vršnak presented new results on the physical nature of the solar prominence oscillations excited by coronal large amplitude waves, obtained in collaboration with T. Žic in the frame of SOLSTEL research program (pdf). M. Dumbović, invited as a young scientist, presented the catalog of observed large-amplitude oscillations compiled based on extensive number of publications in recent years, in collaboration with J. Čalogović (pptx).