XVIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium

Ažurirano: Nedjelja, 16 Veljača 2025 12:13

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XVIIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium
From the Sun to the Heliosphere and beyond

15 - 19 September 2025, Hvar, Croatia

The Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium (HAC) is organized every two years in the town of Hvar, Croatia with aim to bring together researchers from Europe and beyond, devoted to instrumentation, fundamental as well as applied research in the field of solar and heliospheric physics, space weather and space climate.


Hotel Amfora - Hvar Grand Beach Resort, City of Hvar, Hvar, Croatia


  1. Photosphere: Solar Photosphere, Sunspots, Flux emergence, Solar cycle variation, Solar dynamo, helioseismology
  2. Chromosphere: Solar Chromosphere, active regions, waves, reconnection, solar flares, prominences, flux ropes, eruptive processes
  3. Corona: Solar Corona, active regions, waves, reconnection, solar flares, prominences, flux ropes, eruptive processes, CMEs, coronal holes
  4. Heliosphere: IP space, solar wind, heliospheric magnetic field, Large and small-scale structures, ICMEs, SIRs, HSSs, SEPs, GCRs, turbulence
  5. Solar-terrestrial relations, space weather, space climate
  6. Beyond heliosphere: Solar-stellar connection, exoplanetary space weather and space climate

Mateja Dumbović (Hvar Obs., Croatia)

Erika Palmerio (PredSci, USA)
Manuela Temmer (UniGraz, Austria)
Astrid Veronig (UniGraz, Austria)
Jasmina Magdalenic (ROB, Belgium)
Ilya Usoskin (Uni. Oulu, Finland)
Markus Roth (Tautenburg Obs., Germany)
Lisa Upton (SwRI, USA)
Jaroslav Dudik (Astron. Inst. CAS, Ondrejov, Czechia)
Robertus Erdely (Uni. Sheffield, UK/Gyula Obs., Hungary)
Eleanna Asvestari (Uni. Helsinki, Finland)
Athanasios Papaioannou (NOA, Greece)
Nada Al Haddad (UNH, USA)
Julia Stawarz (Uni. Northumbria, UK)
Petr Heinzel (Uni. Wrozlaw/Poland, Astron. Inst. CAS, Ondrejov/Czechia)
Meng Jin (LMSAL, USA)
Dibyendu Nandi (CESS/IISER, India)
Mateja Dumbović (Hvar Obs.)

Jaša Čalogović (Hvar Obs.)
Domagoj Ruždjak (Hvar Obs.)
Karmen Martinić (Hvar Obs.)
Galina Chikunova (Hvar Obs.)
Akshay Kumar Remeshan (Hvar Obs.)
Mohit Shah (Hvar Obs.)

Sponsors and patrons

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HAC XVIII poster

HAC XVIII poster

Pdf version of XVII HAC poster is available here.